The Octopus' favorite band is Smashing Potatoes
two links for more and better movement, a recipe for smashed potatoes (fabulous), and gratuitous meditating
I’ll have you know that the fact that I think the title/memo line for this newsletter is hilarious doesn’t reveal my age at all. Anyway, onwards!
I'm still reflecting on the question of weight, especially after overhearing two women talk about how they only started losing weight after they began eating more. That's not an uncommon experience, but is often ignored since it doesn't fit the "it's simple: just eat less and move more" paradigm that our culture is wedded to.
However, it is a perfect illustration of the fact that our bodies are complicated and self-regulating. When we get our clever brains out of the way and let our bodies do what they need to do (yes, this statement needs to be enormously expanded upon), it turns out that they really can maintain a healthy weight (and maintain health in general) without much effort on our part.
Really, excess weight is a communication problem, to a large extent: we're telling our bodies, through what and how we eat, that either there's a shortage of food right now, or a shortage of foot coming, and directing it to store energy instead of use it.
(Gently removes herself from very enjoyable meditations on weight and metabolism and nutrition since that's not on the agenda for today... unfortunately.)
Two links that I think you’ll enjoy:
First, Katy Bowman will be talking about how to incorporate more movement into your life when you love reading and/or writing. I’m looking forward to the talk this coming Tuesday, which is miraculously scheduled at a time that I can attend live. The link for more information and the signup is here.
Second, Tiffany Sankary, who runs the Feldenkrais Movement and Creativity Library site, is offering a week’s free access to the library (with no need to cancel to avoid being charged at the end). She also is offering a lifetime 30% off discount for people who subscribe. I really love her work—it’s worth checking out the extensive collection of gentle movement explorations.
A recipe for smashed potatoes.
Except it’s not really a recipe, more a method…
Boil a bunch of small potatoes. Either set them aside to finish another day, or let them cool for a little bit.
Preheat the oven to about 425F.
On a parchment paper lined baking sheet, half-smash the potatoes with a fork, the back of a wooden spoon or a potato masher. If bits and pieces fall off the potatoes, just stick them back on as best you can.
Drizzle with melted butter, olive oil, or a combination of both. Season with salt and pepper. I added Italian herbs as well.
Roast in the oven for 30-45 minutes, until they’ve gotten a bit browned at the edges.
My daughter Juno pointed out that these are really trendy right now, which would normally make me run in the opposite direction, but I don’t care. They can be partially prepped in advance, they’re really easy to make, and they’re delicious. Definitely something to keep in the repertoire.
The first issue of Body.Work, my special newsletter for my lovely, lovely paid subscribers, will be coming out on Wednesday! I’m planning on looking at how gentle touch can counteract pain.